Thursday, November 22, 2012

Cat Obesity: Tips for Slimming Down Your Fat Cat

Cat Obesity: Tips for Slimming Down Your Fat Cat

Cat Obesity: Tips for Slimming Down Your Fat Cat
By Velita Livingston

I have seen far too many people think their pudgy little cat is cute. However, did you know that cat obesity is just as dangerous in our furry little friends as it is in humans? Therefore you'll want to do something to cut down on your cat's weight as quickly as possible. This can be a little difficult if you have an indoor cat as generally they don't get the exercise they need. However, if you follow the tips in this guide you should be able to make even the laziest cat in the world drop the excess pounds.

First and foremost, you'll want to determine if your cat is overweight. Some cats appear to be a little chunky, but that is how they should be due to their breed. To quickly check, you should feel around your cat's ribs, they should be easy to identify. If you cannot feel the ribs then your cat is overweight. There are also a number of online 'calculators' which will also help you determine whether your pet is suffering from cat obesity.

One of the biggest tips I can offer is to change the food your cat is eating. You should look to purchase better quality food, such as a grain-free food that doesn't contain corn. Cheaper foods contain more fat and fillers than they need to, and they also don't have the proper nutrients. Therefore, cheaper foods could do your pet a lot of harm, so steer clear of those. Don't worry, purchasing better quality cat food isn't that much more expensive and you will probably need to feed your cat a lot less. In fact, purchasing a higher quality pet food will save you money in the long run, as it will result in fewer trips to the vet, because you'll have a healthier cat.

Another helpful suggestion is to invest in a pet food bowl with a portion control dome in the center or what is often referred to as a slow feed bowl. I have been very successful using these types of bowls in the past to slim down my fat cats. These food bowls help to control pets that gobble up their food too fast, which can result in overeating.

The next step is to cut down on the treats that you are offering your pet. Many people give their furry friends cat treats on a daily basis, and this contributes to cat obesity more than anything. Save the treats for special occasions, and even then, you can purchase 'low fat' treats from your local pet store, so use those instead!

You will also need to exercise your cat more often. If you have an indoor cat, then grab a leash from a pet store and take them for a walk at least thirty minutes a day. This is also great exercise for you as well! Also, interactive toys are a great way to keep your cat active and can also strengthen the bond between you and your pet. My cat's love the Da Bird feather toy, which they absolutely can't resist; even my laziest kitty will get off the couch for this toy. It is by far the best cat toy I can recommend for interacting with your furry friends.

Finally, ease your pet into the diet plan gradually, especially if you are changing their food. This is because sudden changes in food can wreak havoc on your cat's digestion, and can even make them sick.

Follow these simple tips and you should start seeing your kitty drop those excess pounds. When you are putting your cat through a 'weight loss' regime, you will want to constantly check them to ensure that they are actually losing weight. So keep feeling around those ribs, and weigh your pet from time to time. Remember though, your goal is to get your cat down to a 'healthy' weight, don't take it too far, plenty of people end up with a cat that is far too skinny, and that is not what you want.

Velita Livingston is the founder of the Cat Lover's Diary blob which provides rich content with great advice on cat care tips and cat training, teaching pet owners how to protect, pamper and live peacefully with their pets. Visit the to watch the Cat Lover's Diary Movie, it contains breathtaking images and heartwarming quotes... It will uplift and inspire you! You can also visit the Cat Lover's Diary on Facebook and Twitter.

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Diverse Symbolism of Butterflies

The Diverse Symbolism of Butterflies

The Diverse Symbolism of Butterflies
By Drew Briney

Butterflies symbolize many different things depending on where you live in the world. While some cultures view butterflies as a symbolism of transformation, love, or wisdom, other cultures view them with suspicion and apprehension - butterflies to them are omens of a less desirable nature.


In the Chinese culture, the butterfly symbolizes love. According to an old Chinese legend, butterflies are a symbol of the undying bond between lovers. It is a common practice for newlyweds to receive a gift with a butterfly symbol on it on their wedding day; it is meant to remind the couple of the energy of love. The Chinese also believe that the fluttering from flower to flower symbolizes a good social life for the young.

Knowledge & Wisdom

In some cultures, butterflies are a symbol of knowledge and wisdom. Butterflies carry pollen from flower to flower so some cultures relate this activity to wise men spreading their wisdom and knowledge from person to person and helping them grow.


Dream interpreters have several meaning for the presence of butterflies in dreams. Some teach that if you simply see a butterfly in your dream, it means that you need to settle down in life. If you catch or kill a butterfly in your dream, it symbolizes that you are superficial, and if you see two butterflies in your dream, it represents a long and happy marriage.

Bad Omens

While many cultures associate the charms of the butterfly with various positive symbols, other cultures believe that the butterfly symbolizes bad omens. In medieval times, a flock of butterflies was a bad omen that predicted an upcoming epidemic or war. In ancient times, Celts believed that if you saw a butterfly flying at night, it meant impending death. Some early Americans followed this Celtic tradition by believing that if a white butterfly circled a person, it meant death was certain - bad news for sure!


In contrast, the Christian religion has long held that the butterfly symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ. While in the cocoon, the caterpillar seems dead; but later, the butterfly emerges more powerful and beautiful than before. And just as Jesus ascended into heaven, the butterfly now too can fly into the heavens with its new set of wings. In the Christian religion, the metamorphosis of the butterfly also symbolizes the spiritual evolution that Christians go through when become Christian.

Transformation & Change

That leads us to the most common and obvious symbol of butterflies for modern society: transformation. The butterfly's life is one of transformation through the impressive process of metamorphosis. Many people believe that the butterfly's transformation symbolizes change in a person's life. The cocoon phase can be translated as introspection or reflection with the person emerging from the cocoon metamorphosed into a different person. Butterflies can teach us a lesson to accept change in our lives as easily as a butterfly does.

Drew Briney is the owner of Wings & Things: The Butterfly Store, an author, a professional juggler, and a macro photography enthusiast (mostly butterflies, moths, & cool insects). You can see butterflies up close and personal butterflies at his Macro Photography Gallery and you can shop for real butterfly gifts at Wings & Things.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Starting a Butterfly Garden Is Easy

html> Starting a Butterfly Garden Is Easy

Starting a Butterfly Garden Is Easy
By Susan Dee Boy

So, you want to start a butterfly garden? They bring beauty and motion to your garden. Making your garden hospitable is the place to start. You will need three things to make your garden attractive so they will want to make your yard their home.

  1. Food for the adults.
  2. Place for breeding
  3. Plants for the caterpillars

You will want to choose some nectar producing plants that will bloom throughout the summer. The female needs plants to lay her eggs and for the caterpillars to feed on. Annuals are good to plant as they bloom all throughout the summer. You will want to have blooms mid to late summer when the butterflies are most active. Flowers that have multi-blooms are best.

There are some perennials, like coneflowers and astors that are well liked. It is good to plant different plants that bloom at different times of the season. The black swallowtail seems to enjoy parsley and dill herbs. Besides annuals and perennials, there is a bush that they enjoy immensely, called a "butterfly bush" that will definitely, attract a swarm of butterflies. I, always, liked to sit in my gazebo to watch them fluttering around and sipping on nectar, in one of my two bushes that I had and it was guaranteed that they would be there. These are the simple things in life that I appreciate.

Other than the plants that are needed, they, also, need some place away from the wind to shelter their eggs so they won't be disturbed. You can purchase butterfly houses that you put in a woodsy part of your garden. Mourning Cloaks, Angelwings and Tortoiseshells would likely be the ones to use it. Be sure to put the nectar producing plants close by. Painting the outside of the house bright colors may aid in attracting them, also. Sometimes, the house works and sometimes it doesn't.

You will want to supply at least one mud puddle or dampened area in the garden. They seem to gather around the edge of mud puddles. It's not clear as to why they do this, but it may be the moisture or a mineral they may need.

Please, don't use insecticides in your garden if you don't need to. Think about using a natural insecticide that you can purchase or make by yourself. There are many natural insecticide recipes that you can obtain online. Insecticides kill the caterpillars and can kill the adults.

Starting a butterfly garden is simple by making your garden hospitable for them and knowing what will attract them. Simply keeping a small wet area for them and planting a few plants that they'll enjoy is often enough to attract a number of butterflies.

To read more articles about home, health, Honduras missions, recipes, and life go to

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Monday, November 12, 2012

The Differences Between Frogs and Toads

html> The Differences Between Frogs and Toads

The Differences Between Frogs and Toads
By Safiqul Islam

Frogs and toads look alike. This is in part due to the fact that the toad is actually a type of frog. The toad however, is not considered to be a true frog.

The Similarities Between the Two Species
i) Both species are amphibians
ii) They have similar body structure
iii) They eat similar diets
iv) They have some predators in common
v) They are both born as tadpoles in water

i) Have long hide legs to make it easier for them to swim and jump
ii) They have webbed feet
iii) They live everywhere except Antarctica
iv) They always live near water or in water
v) They lay their eggs in clusters that are protected by a thick jelly-like substance
vi) They appear skinnier because they have narrow waists and bodies
vii) Their skin is smooth
viii) They do not drink water through their mouths they absorb it through their skin
ix) Their skin is shiny
x) They are cold blooded
xi) They hibernate in the winter
xii) You can count the age of a frog by examining the bones of its skeleton. They form rings like the ones that trees form when they grow.
xiii) A male frog has ears that are the same size as their eyes
xiv) A female frog has ears that are smaller than her eyes
xv) Depending on their species they croak, whistle or chirp
xvi) Some of this species has teeth

i) Have short hind legs used for walking instead of swimming and jumping
ii) They do not have webbed feet
iii) There are none of this species in Australia, Madagascar, Polynesia, or polar regions of the world
iv) They breed and lay their eggs in water but they live on land
v) They lay their eggs in very long strings or chains of eggs on leaves of plants within the water
vi) They are bumpy
vii) They actually prefer dryer climates
viii) Their skin is also dry
ix) They have bodies that are wide and flat so they appear larger
x) The texture of their skin prevents larger animals from eating them
xi) They do not have teeth
xii) They belong to the order Aura
xiii) They are a part of the Buffoonish family
xiv) They have a bitter and unpleasant flavor

Toads do not give you warts and kissing frogs will not help you find your prince charming. Watching these creatures will amuse and amaze you though.

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Doggie Daycare Is Your Dog's Day Out

Doggie Daycare Is Your Dog's Day Out Doggie Daycare Is Your Dog's Day Out
By Jill Manty
Doesn't it feel great when you come home after spending an exhausting day of fun-filled adventure with friends? And don't you look forward to the next time you get to do it? After all, it was so much fun! And let's face it-we need days like that. Your dog needs days like that too, but with other dogs. For dog-owners who do not have regular playgroups with other dog-owners, taking your dog to a doggie-daycare can be an excellent choice. Once a week is a good low-end goal to aim for, but even just twice a month can be helpful. And with prices typically being significantly less than boarding, it can be surprisingly affordable.
Benefits for your dog.
Taking your dog to doggie-daycare provides several benefits for your dog.
  • Mental Stimulation

If you have ever had too much time on your hands, you know how it adversely affects your mind. It's that "I'm so bored it's driving me crazy!" feeling. In our crazy busy worlds, it's easy to envy our dog's easy-going life. But put yourself in their paws for a moment and consider how frustrating too much idle time can be. Your dog needs the mental stimulation that comes from playing with other dogs.
  • Physical Stimulation / Exercise

A tired dog is a happy dog. While those with toy or small-size dogs may be able to wear them out with a good jog around the neighborhood, many breeds have been bred to work all day-and they can outlast most of their owners. Other dogs can keep up with them and wear them out in a fun way.
  • Socialization

I'm referring to exposing your dog to new experiences, including environments, people, and dogs. While this is especially important for puppies, it is good for dogs of any age. The more they are exposed to, the better equipped they are to handle other new experiences. It is one of the most important parts of training a dog to live in a human world.
Benefits for you.
Yes, your money isn't just going to the dog-you get some great perks, too.
  • A Better Behaving Dog

One of the leading causes of behavioral problems in dogs is simple boredom. Just like kids (and even adults), they are going to try to find something to do just to have something to do. Too often, what they find manifests itself in destructive behavior (chewing, digging, etc.). Doggie-daycare relieves boredom, and because of the socialization, also helps reduce behavioral problems resulting from a dog that does not know how to handle a new situation.
  • A Calmer Dog - Just like a person, a worn-out dog is going to want to relax after a tiring day. It can make for a nice, relaxing evening for both you and your dog.

While not every dog is suitable for doggie-care, most are. And with many doggie-daycare programs costing well under $15 per day, it is an affordable, good time for both your dog and you.
Written by Jill Manty for the owner of This article can be reproduced in whole or in part, providing this byline is included along with a followable link to
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Monday, January 30, 2012

8 Must-Have Ingredients for Your Homemade Cat Food Recipe

By Ronalimsy

If you want to know exactly what your cat is being fed each day, then the best way is to prepare a homemade cat food recipe yourself. However, for your cat to remain healthy, it is important to ensure that your homemade cat food recipe includes sufficient animal protein, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and vitamins. This is usually obtained from red meat, liver, kidney, heart, chicken and sometimes milk.

Generally, raw food contains more nutrients as cooking destroys some vitamins, especially vitamin B. If you are squeamish about feeding raw food to your cat and intend to feed your cat cooked food instead, then you may need to provide pet food supplements in your cat's diet. Your vet will be able to advise you on appropriate pet food supplements, based on your homemade cat food diet.

Here are some important ingredients which you should incorporate into your homemade cat food diet:

INGREDIENT #1 - Meat and Meat By-Products

Both red and white meat contains protein, B-group vitamins, fat and energy. Highest sources of protein are beef, chicken (meat) and liver, followed by heart, chicken skin, lamb, kidney and chicken necks.

All types of meat are deficient in vitamin A therefore, it is good to feed liver to your cat as it is rich in vitamin A. However, liver should not be more than 10% of your cat food diet as too much vitamin A can lead to skeletal problems and other abnormal bone growth. If you are worried about an overdose of vitamin A, feed cooked liver to your cat instead of raw liver. Or as a rough guide, feed raw liver not more than once a week.


It is good to have a mix of the 2 main types of fish: white fish and fatty/oily fish (such as tuna). White fish is leaner but is weak in vitamins A, D, E and K.

Fatty and oily fish on the other hand, contain high levels of vitamins A and D but your cat may suffer a case of steatites (a painful inflammation of fat deposits under the skin) if it is fed too much fatty fish.

In the case of fish, it is advisable to cook the fish first. Raw fish contains thiaminase, an enzyme which destroys thiamine, an important vitamin B. Cooking destroys thiaminase and helps to retain more vitamins in the food.

Whole fish (including the bones) is very nutritional cat food as fish bones contain calcium and phosphorus. However, to prevent fish bones from getting caught in your cat's teeth or throat, it is good to soften the bones first. You can do this by pressure cooking, boiling or stewing.


Eggs are high in animal protein, iron, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates and are ideal to include in your homemade cat food. However, too much may be harmful as the egg whites contain avidin which destroys a B vitamin that is essential for good hair and skin health and proper muscle function.

As a general guide, feed raw egg not more than once a week. If you feed the egg yolk only, then you may increase this to no more than 3 times a week.

INGREDIENT #4 - Milk, Cheese and Yoghurt

Dairy products are high in protein, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A and the B vitamins.

Kittens generally like warmed milk and cream. But as they mature, they become lactose-intolerant and may develop diarrhea. You can get low-lactose cat milk which is available in supermarkets. Cream is fattening and too much may result in an obese cat.

Cheese may be a better dairy alternative as it does not contain lactose. However, some cats do not appreciate the taste and will not eat it.

INGREDIENT #5 - Fats and Oils

Fats are essential in your homemade cat food to ensure your cat's skin doesn't become itchy, dry and scurfy.

Good sources are safflower or corn oil and fish fats. Safflower is the preferred choice.

INGREDIENT #6 - Vegetables

Vegetables provide vitamin C and some are rich in B vitamins. It also provides fibre which should form about 5% of your homemade cat food diet. Mix vegetables with meat or fish and cook it as a stew. Most cats will eat the vegetables if cooked this way.

INGREDIENT #7 - Grains

Grains provide carbohydrate, proteins, minerals and vitamins. Good sources are:

Wheatgerm - thiamine, vitamin E
Yeast - B vitamins, minerals, recommended for older cats
Rice - most cats will eat this and it is a good base for mixing with meat and fish
Wheat, oats, barley - higher protein content and less fattening than rice


Lastly, and probably more important than any of the above, a fresh clean supply of water must always be available. Generally, your cat will need about 40ml of water per kg of body weight. However, environmental temperature, your cat's consumption of dry food and ailments may require you to adjust accordingly.

Your cat is an individual and will have its own likes and dislikes. Different pedigrees may also have different requirements. It is always advisable to check with your vet and seek professional advice before preparing your homemade cat food.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

For more information on giving the best cat care for your cat, visit

Dog Micro Chip - Dog Training

You'd be surprised how many dogs go missing each year around the world when their perfectly good owner has a brief laps in concentration and the dog ends up running away after a squirrel or other animal never to be seen again.

You might think that it will never happen to you because you're too careful and never take your eyes of the dog, but believe me it will happen a lot quicker than expected and could have devastating consequences.

Although your dog might have run off and disobeyed your commands when they went this doesn't mean that you're a bad trainer or have no control over your dog, but these things do happen and unless your dog is an extremely well behaved and trained dog not much can stop them from chasing something when they're in the mood.

This is where the micro chip comes in; the dog micro chip is a small soda limed glass tube that gets inserted into your dog containing a chip, antenna, and capacitor. These are used together to hold vital information about your dog or the dog in hand so that people all over the world can trace the ownership of this dog back to you at your home.

The chip does not hold a complete profile of your dog but only a I.D. number that then gives access to the information via a database which can be reached from the majority of pet and dog specialists, kennels and shelters all over the world.

It takes just a few seconds to insert the chip and it hurts your dog no more than a regular vaccination procedure and for this your get the security and ease of mind knowing that your dog can be reached and found anywhere in the world, and for me that's worth it.

Source: - Free Articles Directory

About the Author

For more information on dog training and health, or web link exchanges visit the website at this link...Dog Training.

Cool Tools for Pet Pests

By Gregory Franklyn
There are LOTS of products to protect your dogs, cats, ferrets, mice, rats etc., and if you give me a minute I'll be more than happy to sell you all of them, but today I'm out to save you some money, get you much closer to your pet, and eliminate the need for my own Flea & Tick products. Here's a few tips you can easily use to deal with Ticks, Fleas and other small insect parasites that, literally, LIVE to hitch a ride on your little loved ones.

Eucalyptus: I've had 2 separate successful incidents of eliminating a flea infestation in my home using this common tree. By Infestation I mean fleas jumping on my bare feet while just walking through a room. It got that bad because we did NOT want to use an insecticide at all, let alone INSIDE our house! I did a lot of research on natural methods of dealing with fleas and ticks. Most were a bust, but we did find a write-up in Jethro Kloss' "Back to Eden" that suggested using Eucalyptus.

Here's what we did: There happened to be a grove of Eucalyptus trees just across the road from our house. We went over there and picked up a bunch of fallen branches and cut a few down too. We took them all across the street, took all the leaves off and spread them all over the house. About 48 hours later, there wasn't a flea or tick to be found, not even on Disco (the cat) or Toke (The dog). As it turns out, most insects, including fleas and ticks, are not particularly fond of the scent. They simply left on their own. We were delighted that we didn't have to harm anything, including the pests we wanted to be rid of, while solving a real problem with no cost what so ever.

Years later I had the same problem with a roommates' Cat. My roommate insisted her name was "Sly" but I called her "The Evil One"! That's a story for another day, however. This time there were no Eucalyptus trees to be found and we didn't have the luxury of raiding a nearby grove. So I tried the next best thing. I learned that it was the scent that the nasty little buggers didn't like, so I went to "the Body Shoppe" at the Mall and got some Eucalyptus oil and put it in a spray bottle with a bunch of warm water and walked through the house spraying every carpet and rug I could find. Furniture too! Sure enough, about 48 hours later, we were free of fleas and ticks.

Love that Jethro Kloss! He also suggested making a shampoo for furry animals that includes good concentrations of Pennyroyal. It's as effective as any current meds available today but it's a lot more labor intensive. You have to shampoo your pets regularly, about every 5-7 days in some cases. The labor comes in when you have to negotiate with a cat to give them a shampoo ONCE let alone every 5 days. The Dogs had fun with the whole operation, though. When they got out of the tub naturally they would run through the house shaking the water off their coats (Pennyroyal and all) all over the house. Immunizing the rugs and furniture in the process. How thoughtful!

Lastly, and this one works for Ticks much better than fleas, you can pick up some "Brewer's Yeast" or "Nutritional Yeast" in the bulk section of most grocery stores these days and certainly at any natural food store. Just sprinkle a little bit on your dog or cat's food every so often. When a tick bites your loved one they don't like the taste and start looking for another host to hitch a ride on. Don't over do the yeast sprinkling even though you dogs and cats love the taste. It gave Disco and Toke the runs because I started out thinking I had to use a heavy concentration. Just a little will do the trick and you'll save yourself the nasty chore of cleaning up runny,,, um,,, well, you get my meaning!

As an aside: A little Brewer's Yeast and soy sauce on your popcorn and/or your baked potatoes is a real delight at my house and it DOESN'T give us the runs. Since you already have some in the house now anyway…..

So if you don't want to go to all the trouble of using these "Back to Nature" tricks, we have a variety of solutions for your pets that are also natural, but we do all the work FOR you. Stop by and see what we have for you and your funny furry freaky friends at

Much Love,

Source: - Free Articles Directory
About the Author
Gregory Franklyn is a 50 something native of Detroit who currently calls the Pacific Northwest his home. He has studied and applied Natural and Alternative remedies for common ailments for over 15 years. He currently operates a website dedicated to information and products that naturally enhance the human body's ability to heal itself. Franklyn is NOT a medical health professional. Visit