Monday, November 12, 2012

The Differences Between Frogs and Toads

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The Differences Between Frogs and Toads
By Safiqul Islam

Frogs and toads look alike. This is in part due to the fact that the toad is actually a type of frog. The toad however, is not considered to be a true frog.

The Similarities Between the Two Species
i) Both species are amphibians
ii) They have similar body structure
iii) They eat similar diets
iv) They have some predators in common
v) They are both born as tadpoles in water

i) Have long hide legs to make it easier for them to swim and jump
ii) They have webbed feet
iii) They live everywhere except Antarctica
iv) They always live near water or in water
v) They lay their eggs in clusters that are protected by a thick jelly-like substance
vi) They appear skinnier because they have narrow waists and bodies
vii) Their skin is smooth
viii) They do not drink water through their mouths they absorb it through their skin
ix) Their skin is shiny
x) They are cold blooded
xi) They hibernate in the winter
xii) You can count the age of a frog by examining the bones of its skeleton. They form rings like the ones that trees form when they grow.
xiii) A male frog has ears that are the same size as their eyes
xiv) A female frog has ears that are smaller than her eyes
xv) Depending on their species they croak, whistle or chirp
xvi) Some of this species has teeth

i) Have short hind legs used for walking instead of swimming and jumping
ii) They do not have webbed feet
iii) There are none of this species in Australia, Madagascar, Polynesia, or polar regions of the world
iv) They breed and lay their eggs in water but they live on land
v) They lay their eggs in very long strings or chains of eggs on leaves of plants within the water
vi) They are bumpy
vii) They actually prefer dryer climates
viii) Their skin is also dry
ix) They have bodies that are wide and flat so they appear larger
x) The texture of their skin prevents larger animals from eating them
xi) They do not have teeth
xii) They belong to the order Aura
xiii) They are a part of the Buffoonish family
xiv) They have a bitter and unpleasant flavor

Toads do not give you warts and kissing frogs will not help you find your prince charming. Watching these creatures will amuse and amaze you though.

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