Sunday, July 29, 2007

Oh, My! Those self-checkout lines!

Oh, My! Those self-checkout lines!

Have you ever been in a self-checkout line? People seem to either love them, or hate them.

You see a person debating if they should try one. Then they go for it. They scanned the first item. OK, everything worked right. They do the second item. Oh no! the machine start to tell them commands. First, put the item into the bag. Seem simple. Then it says an unidentified item is in the bag. Please remove it. So the person takes the last item out. Then you hear to place the scanned item into the bag. So they do that, only to hear about the unidentified item again.

Now the person is getting mad at the machine because it keeps talking. Ummm! Not good. Now the person will argue with the talking machine. Hopefully, Help is on the way. If not, can be very ugly situation.

Mean while, a 10 year old child comes up with 10 items. The child scans all 10 items in less than 5 minutes and even pays for the items and leaves with receipt in hand. You are still fighting with your machine.

By now, the cashier in charge of self-checkout, is on her way to help you. She scans the balance of your items for you and you are finally paying for everything. And it only took you 15 minutes to do 5 items. Wow! What a great invention this self-checkout is!

Monday, July 23, 2007

How to Make Money

The subject of Money; isn't it a strange item. Money can make a person do weird things. It can make a person real mean and nasty. Or it may make them nice and caring about people who have less then they do.

Some people know how to make money, some know how to spend money, and there are people that just know how to do without money. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone had what they really needed in this world.

There are ways of getting the things you would like to have for your own. Your own Business, Extra Money in your pocket, and the good feeling that you made it happen.

Check this out!
Click on this link,

Cut and Paste in your browser if the link does not work.
It may make things happen for you.