Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Death Of A Beloved Pet

Written By BETTE J.

I have, like everyone that has ever had a pet die, felt the loss of a dear friend of so many years of faithful companionship. I have lost my dear pets of a cat of two years, a cat of 13 years, a dog of 13 years, and a dog of 15 years; all within the last two and half years. It seems as through the hurt will never end but I know it will in time.

The house seems so empty without them now. My other pets are still searching for their friends. They will also adjust to the loss and once again become their fun loving selves.

As I look back over the years, the number of family pets that have past from this world is actually very high in numbers. Our family has always had special pets to each of us. They may have been cats, rabbits, gerbils, dogs, iguana, frogs, newts, fish, and snails. They all had their own personalities and supplied much entertainment for each of us to enjoy throughout their lives with us.

My children learned to care for the pet they choose to get. And each had a lot to learn about taking care of their chosen animal. The time spent with their pet was worth all the training that the child and pet received by living in the same house.

I think people are better off with pets than not having any pet to share their life with. Animals can be a great companion. Animals seem to except you with all your faults and short comings. They love to be with you no matter what is going on around them. Most pets only want to please you and make you happy.

They seem to get into your heart and share feelings that a member of your family most likely would share. When an elderly animal passes away, the loss is felt very deeply to the persons around them. The other animals also grieve for their missing friend and companion.

As time goes by, the pet is never forgotten, but the hurt and emptiness is less and less. Soon life will be back to normal. The memory of your pet will never be forgotten, but the good times and the fun time will be remembered forever. The process is continued with new pets that are loved just as much as all of the older pets that have pass in time.

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